If you are already a certified teacher and want to advance your career, the Thomas College program will get you results on a schedule that works for you. Designed for working adults, this flexible, rigorous program will prepare you for advanced learning in the field of education.

The Thomas College program builds off the strengths of our education and business programs, which are noted across New England for their success in preparing students for rewarding careers in classrooms and education settings.

Where are Education Alumni Employed?

  • Waterville Public Schools
  • Maranacook Community High School
  • Mt. Blue Regional School District
  • Kennebec Valley Community College
  • Colby College

At a Glance

  • 30 credit hours
  • Career-focused curriculum
  • Leadership development
  • 100% online

Key Courses

  • Seminar in American Schools
  • Educational Assessment
  • Teacher as a Researcher
  • Trends in Curriculum Development
  • Trends in Instruction

Your Team:

  • Katie Rybakova, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor of Education and Chair of the Lunder School of Education
  • Heather Batchelor, Ed.D.
    Associate Professor of Education
  • Richard Biffle, Ph.D.
    Professor of Education
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